Get answers from government and the public sector

Everyone has the right to access information held by Australian public authorities. By law, they have to respond.

Want to know something?

Start your own request

How it works

You have the right to request information from any publicly-funded body, and get answers. Right to Know helps you make a Freedom of Information request. It also publishes all requests online.

Use this site to make your request for information – we'll show you how. We'll drop you an email as soon as your request gets a response. We publish it all online. Great! Now you have your answer, and everybody else can access it too.

Who can I request information from?

Right to Know covers requests to 2,705 authorities, including:

What information has been released?

Right to Know users have made 10,976 requests, including:

Airservices Australia answered a request about Runway 30 NAP Trial Breach 4 July 2024 4 days ago Airservices Australia answered a request about Runway 30 NAP Trial Breach 4 days ago

Supporting Organisations

Right to Know

A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. Right to Know also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information.

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